Statement on UK Government's cancellation of 'Safe To Be Me' LGBT conference


Following the withdrawal of support from UK civil society and business, the UK Government has cancelled the Safe To Be Me LGBT rights conference, which had been scheduled to take place 29 June – 1 July 2022.

The Global Equality Caucus had partnered with the Government to ensure a meaningful role for international parliamentarians at this conference. On 28 June, we had also planned to convene a separate summit for legislators in London to champion their role in pushing for LGBT+ equality. With the cancellation of Safe To Be Me, we regret that it is no longer tenable to hold this event.

The withdrawal of support for Safe To Be Me follows the UK Government’s decision to exempt transgender people from its proposed ban on ‘conversion therapy’.

The Global Equality Caucus always has been, and always will be, a trans inclusive organisation. We advocate for laws that will improve the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, and our diverse global membership includes trans lawmakers and trans supporters.

Our current campaign, Ban Conversion Therapy Now!, aims to mobilise legislators in support of efforts to ban ‘conversion therapy’ practices around the world. This includes opposing conversion practices that target trans and gender non-conforming people. We will continue to lobby for inclusive, comprehensive ‘conversion therapy’ bans both in the UK and globally.

We are currently reassessing how best to convene legislators in a global forum and remain committed to bringing our network together following the challenges of the past two years. We will update members accordingly and we thank you for your patience.

Andrew Slinn