

Europe 2023 Update

As of 2021:

85% of people living with HIV know their status

88% of people who know their status are accessing treatment

92% of people accessing treatment are virally suppressed

Click here for more information on the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets

38.4 million people living with HIV in 2021

1.5 million people newly infected with HIV in 2021

650,000 people died from AIDS-related illnesses in 2021

28.7 million people accessing antiretroviral therapy in 2021

84.2 million people infected with HIV since the start of the pandemic

Risk of acquiring HIV 28 times higher in men who have sex with men than adult men

14 times higher for trans women than adult women

66 times higher for trans women than general population aged over 15

7 times higher for trans men than general population aged over 15