Why are young people underserved in the Hiv response?
Young people need to be better consulted in policymaking, but there are obstacles such as poor visibility and inequities in education. Young key populations – including young gay or trans people, and young injecting drug users – can also be constrained by legal discrimination and cultural stigma.
The emotional insecurities of adolescence may marginalise certain young people further – issues such as low self-esteem, peer pressure and financial insecurity can lead to increased HIV exposure and act as barriers to accessing prevention services.
Strategies to engage young people on HIV & sexual health
Education: Providing comprehensive sex and relationships education in schools and communities, with accessible information about HIV and prevention options
Agency: Involving young people in the design and operation of prevention programmes, creating a sense of ownership and responsibility
Peer support: Creating spaces such as youth centres and youth-led organisations where young people can discuss HIV and other issues in a stigma-free environment
Advocacy: Including young people in discussions and decision-making, on both health policy and wider issues such as discrimination, violence and poverty
Introduce comprehensive sex and relationships education in schools, including guidance on HIV prevention
Support initiatives to support youth leaders to enhance engagement in advocacy & policy-making
Approve funding to train and resource teachers to confidently support young people in HIV education
Ensure that the law allows young people to anonymously and consensually access sexual health services
Endorse community-led programmes that support young people who are disproportionately impacted by HIV, including harm reduction initiatives and support for homeless LGBT+ youth