GEC hosts business leaders in New York to discuss their role in securing LGBT+ equality


This week (4 October) the Global Equality Caucus convened an esteemed group of leaders from business, academia and the LGBT+ activist community in New York City for an intimate dinner session, where guests discussed how the private sector can help secure rights for LGBT+ people.

With the kind support of Deutsche Bank, GEC hosted the event at the bank’s new offices at Columbus Circle. Over 20 guests - each a powerful champion for LGBT+ equality in their own right - joined us for an important dialogue on how private companies can help to support activists and LGBT+ movements around the world, as well as how the sector can help drive positive change in places where LGBT+ people face restrictions on their lives.

Our Chair Nick Herbert, who sits in the House of Lords in the UK Parliament, also spoke about the vital work that legislators are doing around the world to challenge discrimination and advance legal reform. These legislators are often lone voices in their parliaments, and GEC helps to connect them across borders to share experiences and knowledge.

Guests also heard from the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield. The Ambassador highlighted the importance of pushing for LGBT+ rights at an international level and outlined her role as an advocate on these issues at the UN.

We are grateful to the Association of LGBTQ+ Corporate Directors for their help in planning the event, and to Deutsche Bank for hosting us.

Andrew Slinn