European Parliament votes to endorse universal decriminalisation of LGBT+ identities


The Global Equality Caucus has welcomed a motion passed by the European Parliament on Thursday (20 April 2023) calling for the universal decriminalisation of homosexuality and trans identities.

The Motion for a Resolution on the universal decriminalisation of homosexuality in the light of recent developments in Uganda urges the European Union to use all political and diplomatic forums to advocate for decriminalisation, and puts pressure on the European Commission to consider sanctions against Uganda should President Museveni assent to the 2023 Anti-Homosexuality Bill. Although the resolution does not force the Commission to act, it makes an EU response more likely should the bill become law.

The resolution comes on the same day that President Museveni met with parliamentarians who spearheaded the bill’s passage. Museveni indicated support for the bill but returned it to Parliament for revisions.

The bill has already been condemned by numerous human rights groups, international organisations, multinational businesses and parliamentary networks, including the Global Equality Caucus and Parliamentarians for Global Action.

Andrew Slinn