Momentum is with us for a global ban on 'conversion therapy'


Click on the map to see a full overview of global progress on conversion therapy bans.

Since our last update on our Ban Conversion Therapy Now! campaign we have seen encouraging progress in several jurisdictions.

Last month, Greece became the eighth country to introduce explicit legislative measures to ban conversion practices, albeit limited to under-18s and non-consenting adults.

Caucus member Mauricio Toro introduced a proposal in Colombia, with the need for a conversion therapy ban now firmly on the agenda in Congress.

And, as a direct result of our briefings and discussions in Latin America earlier this year, lawmakers in the Mexican state of Hidalgo have successfully passed a ban in their legislature. Bills are also being prepared in Argentina and Uruguay after we highlighted loopholes in their existing mental health laws.

While we are emboldened by this success, we recognise there is more work to do and we continue to work with legislative partners to refine proposals and with civil society advocates to bring the scourge of 'conversion therapy' to the attention of governments.

At the Equal Rights Coalition forum in September we will raise the issue of 'conversion therapy' in discussions on global LGBT+ rights, and will host a side event with legislators to examine how we can move forward with legislative bans.

Andrew Slinn